
자기 심장소리를 듣는건 이상한 일이다
나 여기 있다고 심장은 소리친다
빠르고 큰 고동소리로

그러나 아무때라도
조용한 곳에서 가만히 귀 기울여보면
작은 소리지만 꾸준히 힘차게
그리 뛰는 심장을 들을 수 있다

음악소리를 따라 느려지거나
발소리에 맞춰 빨라지거나
바다를 보면 느려지지만
그녀를 보면 빨라진다

심장의 존재가 당신의 존재는 아니지만
심장의 부재는 당신의 부재로 이어진다
서로가 서로를 증명할 필요는 없겠지만
당신은 가아끔 심장의 소리를 들어야 할테다

by 아이파크 2005. 11. 27. 14:16
Changeling: You are one of the forgotten ones, the
keepers of dreams that spread light and joy in
a world of darkness. You are a fairy caught
within a human shell, using your body to keep
safe from the cold disbelief just outside your
door. Your kind is as varied as the dreams you
were born from, and you find that fewer
children today believe in the magic and wonder
of your kind, but you can not give up hope..
The winter is fast approaching, but you gather
dreams tightly about you, a blanket to keep the
chill away. You will never truly die as long as
there are still people with hopes and dreams.
If you would like to know more, please take my
changeling quiz to find out what type you would
be classified as at:

What type of World of Darkness Creature Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
by 아이파크 2005. 11. 20. 03:20
Many europian countries have DST.

Daylight Saving Time. Korean call that 'Summer time'

Basically, this idea is for saving electronical power.

Anyway, DST was over. Yesterday, the sun set about 6pm. But now the sun set about 5pm. End of DST means to enter into winter.
by 아이파크 2005. 10. 30. 20:13