Tue. 26th July

I played card game from 8 pm until 2 am. I had guessed that that was stupid. And I have found again that I was very stupid. I wasted my day.( I had to wait for roughly 3 hours to see a doctor in afternoon)
More terriblely, I spent my next day afternoon sleeping, deepply without any breathing sound.
I know that usually I wasted my time. Even thought it looks like I enjoyed it. Partly that is true. I love leisure. But I have many thing to do. also that's not bad. But sometimes I felt tired. That makes me depressed. So I used to go wrong way. Anyway, I know 'Deligence is best'
by 아이파크 2005. 8. 7. 15:57
50minutes are enough for homework.

But I did my homeworks just before lesson.

Why? Was I busy?

Who know? Keep going.
by 아이파크 2005. 7. 29. 21:57
For only one visitor Esperanc.

Yesterday, when I was lefting library, a cat appeared front of me.
And the cat said, 'Take my pictures, now'

So be it.

Plz look pictyre stores.

by 아이파크 2005. 7. 26. 21:23